Are you “that guy†that everyone calls when something breaks because you know how to fix just about anything? If you are naturally mechanically inclined and enjoy being the fix-it guy, why not turn it into a career? In just a few weeks you can be certified as an appliance repair technician and charge for your services. Be it on a part-time basis, starting out a new career, or even starting your own business, this could be the road to financial independence for which you have been looking.
There are an estimated 700 million appliances in the United States in homes. About one-third of them are estimated to require some type of servicing every year. But do you know what the problem is? There are not nearly enough appliance repair technicians to service all those appliances.
I know if I do a search on Google for “appliance repair technicians†or “appliance repairman,†I only get a handful in the immediate area. Even when I have done searches specifically for larger cities, I see maybe half a dozen businesses dedicated to serving appliances. It is simply not possible for that number of companies to be able to service a major city like Dallas or Houston properly.
The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers estimated that the shortage of appliance repair technicians is over 50,000. If you look on job boards, you will see the companies that are hiring, move of them have the ads labeled as “urgent,†and many of them have been up for over 30 days simply because there are not enough people applying for the positions because they do not have the skills for the job.
If we have your interest piqued, that is good, because we offer a variety of classes for appliance repair technicians that are serious about this as a career. Our classes are “in-person†classes, so you are getting hands-on training, not looking at videos online and being sent out to do a job with no actual practical experience.
The course is affordable and it is only two weeks long, which means your new career could be started by the end of the month! We also offer a weekend class specifically on Sealed Systems Diagnostics and Repair training, which includes R134a, R600, and Lokring training.
If this sounds like something you would be interested in pursuing, you can contact us for more information at 817-222-0145, or you can register by clicking here. We hope to hear from you soon!